Wild Herb Celebration

Join the Family-Friendly Wild Herb Festival at Åström Park in Oulu on Saturday, June 8th!

Welcome to explore local natural products and experience the fascinating world of wild herbs at our family-friendly event in Åström Park, Oulu! The Wild Herb Festival offers a diverse program, expert talks, and experiences for all ages.

Event Highlights:

*Showcasing and Selling Local Natural Products: Discover and purchase natural food products and cosmetics from local producers, perfect for yourself or as gifts.

*Expert Talks: Hear inspiring presentations on topics such as using wild herbs in the kitchen and opportunities in the natural product industry.

*Engaging Activities: Join guided wild herb walks and try hands-on workshops, including making felt soap and eco-friendly toilet cleaning tabs.

*For the Little Ones: Pony rides and a hobby horse track will entertain children throughout the day.

*Music and Atmosphere: Enjoy multiple performances by the folk band Rommakko.

The Wild Herb Festival is part of the Oulu2026 Arctic Food Lab cultural program. At the event, you can provide feedback and participate in a raffle for a chance to win local natural products.

Join us for a day of nature and local culture! See you at Åström Park!

The event is organized by the Northern Ostrobothnia Nature Entrepreneurs Association in collaboration with local partners.

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More information
  • Mannenkatu 1
    90100 Oulu
  • +358451302015
  • Website