Choose the outstanding city of Oulu for your next conference!

For a high-quality and memorable event in a magnificent northern landscape, choose Oulu.

Why Oulu?

There are many reasons why you should choose Oulu, on the shore of the Bothnian Bay, as your conference location. The local professionals, configurable conference rooms, versatile accommodation services, northern location – and that something magical in the air that is hard to put into words!

Therefore, Oulu.

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OCB:n palvelut

OCB tarjoaa puolueetonta asiantuntija-apua kongressin suunnittelu- ja hakuvaiheeseen veloituksetta. Palveluita ovat:

  • kokouksen ennakkosuunnittelu yhdessä hakijan kanssa
  • kokoustilojen ja majoitusten alustavat varaukset
  • oheisohjelman suunnittelu ja alustavat varaukset
  • sopivien kumppanien ja palveluntuottajien valinnassa auttaminen
  • hakuasiakirjojen ja -materiaalien suunnittelu ja valmistus
  • tutustumisvierailun järjestäminen kansainvälisen järjestön
  • kongressin ennakkomarkkinointi Oulun kaupungin
  • alustava budjetointi
See OCB’s tips for arranging a meeting


Helena Pikkarainen
Asiantuntija, kokoukset ja kongressit
Oulun kaupunki
+358 (0)44 703 1323

Let Oulu Convention Bureau know about your congress

OCB keeps statistics and maintains communication on international meetings and conferences taking place in Oulu. The conference statistics yield useful information for developing Oulu as a conference city. Informing OCB about your congress gets you visibility trough their channels.

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Tips for arranging a congress

Whether you are an experienced congress organiser or a first-timer, don’t hesitate to ask for OCB’s help. To get started, check out these valuable tips for arranging a meeting or congress.

Tips for arranging a congress meeting&congress
Tips for arranging a congress

Whether you are an experienced congress organiser or a first-timer, don’t hesitate to ask for OCB’s help.

Why Oulu?

There are many reasons to choose Oulu, on the shore of the Bothnian bay, as your conference location. Oulu is the hub of Northern Finnish science, business and culture and the fastest-growing urban region in arctic Europe. What’s more, it’s a city with a warm heart in the middle of magnificent northern nature.

Why Oulu? meeting&congress
Why Oulu?

There are many reasons to choose Oulu, on the shore of the Bothnian bay, as your conference location.